今天是:2020年6月18日 星期一
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时间:2021-07-28 15:35:34浏览:590











一、阅读:20%  (每小题2分)










































四.英译汉:30% (答题请不要超出边框)

You have no social life other than work-related events.

Work is on your mind 24 hours, 7 days.

You feel stressed because of your work.

You get upset when others suggest you cut back on your work.

You do not take vacations, or take your work with you on vacation.








一、阅读:20% (所有答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分)

 ( 1 )

Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something that has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand what he wants to teach them, and what he wants them to learn from him.

What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, because painters translate their experience into shapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.

Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and at rest; their choices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights. Contemporary artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing more in it. Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects.

If one painter chooses to paint a decaying leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something—all of which means that, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.

1. An artist hopes that the public will __A___.

   A. understand him and learn from him

   B. notice only shapes and colors in his work

   C. teach him something

   D. believe what he says in his work

2. It is hard to explain what a painter is saying, because he/ she A____.

   A. uses shapes and colors instead of words

   B. uses unusual words and phrases

   C. does not express himself /herself well

   D. does not say anything clearly

3. The writer points out that contemporary artists might say their choices of subject ____A_.

   A. only provide interesting patterns

   B. teach the public important truths

   C. have no pattern or form

   D. carry a message to the public

4. The writer also points out that contemporary art contains ____D.

   A. nothing but meaningless patterns

   B. uninteresting aspects of the world

   C. completely meaningless subjects

   D. subjects chosen partly for their meanings

5. What is implied in this passage? D

   A. A painting is more easily understood than a symphony.

   B. Art is merely the arranging of shape and color.

   C. Every artist tries to say something to the public.

   D. One must look beyond shape and color to find what the artist is saying.


( 2 )

Crime has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years ago. Police records that were studied for five years from over 2400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the season and crime patterns.

The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as do rape and other violent attacks. Murder, moreover, is more than seasonal: it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm, burglary(夜盗) has a different cycle. You are most likely to be robbed between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. on a Saturday night in December, January, or February. The most uncriminal month of all? May —except for one strange statistic. More dog bites are reported in this month than in any other month of the year.

Apparently our intellectual seasonal cycles are completely different from our criminal tendencies. Professor Huntington, of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, made extensive studies to discover the seasons when people read serious book, attend scientific meetings, make the highest scores on examinations, and propose the most changes to patents (**). In all instances, he found a spring peak and an autumn peak separated by a summer low. On the other hand, Professor Huntington’s studies indicated that June is the peak month for suicides and admissions to mental hospitals. June is also a peak month for marriages!

6. Which of the following is the best title for this article?

   A. A Time for Murder

   B. Summer Crime

   C. Crime Cycles Throughout the Year

   D. Criminal Tendencies in Different Months

7. According to Paragraph 2, a murder would most likely occur ____.

   A. on a weekend night in winter

   B. on a weekday afternoon in summer

   C. on a weekend morning in winter

   D. on a weekday night in summer

8. In which of the following months are crimes least seen?

   A. April    B. May    C. June   D. October

9. In Paragraph 4, why is an exclamation mark (感叹号“!”) used at the end of the last sentence?

   A. Because the author is surprised that so many people marry in June.

   B. Because the author is surprised that the marriage peak occurs in the same month as the peak for suicides and admissions to mental hospitals.

   C. Because the author doesn’t understand why the peaks for suicides and marriage are in the same month.

   D. Because the author lays emphasis on this sentence.

10. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

   A. Prof. Huntington found seasonal crime cycles.

   B. Spring and autumn are intellectual seasons when people work efficiently.

   C. June is the peak month for suicides.

   D. Spring and autumn are crime peaks.


二、交际用语(此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从ABCD四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。) 20%  (答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分)

1. — What do you do?

 — ___________________.

A. What do you do?          B. Fine, thank you.

C. I’m a college student       D. I do well in my studies.

2. — How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?


A. At 10 o’clock.               B. With Mrs. Jones.

C. By car.                     D. To the Grand Theater.

3. — How many students do you teach?

   — ______________.

A. Quite a bit.         B. More boys than girls.

C. About 50.          D. Three classes.

4. — What’s happening with the new teaching building?

   — _________________.

A. It’s not an easy job.

B. I’ve just come back.

C. I’ve never been there before.

D. It’s held up by the bad weather this week.

5. — Do you know John’s new address? Here’s his mail and I want to send it to him.

— ___________________.

A. Sorry, I don’t think I will do this.

B. Well, we used to be roommates.

C. Well, we will never meet again.

D. Sorry, we didn’t get along before he moved.

6. — How do you like the country life here so far?

— ___________________.

A. There is nothing special.

B. It looks like boring.

C. It’s too far from the city.

D. It’s quite different from what I expected.

7. — Are you from Italy?


A. Yes, we are.         B. No, we don’t.

C. No, I don’t.         D. No, we won’t.

8. — Are you going on holiday?


A. Not until next week.         B. Three weeks ago.

C. To Beijing.                D. For only a day or two.

9. — Have you been to Paris?


A. No, I didn’t go there last year.

B. No, but I hope to go there sometime next year.

C. Paris is a nice place to visit.

D. No, it was a long time ago.

10. — Mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend?

— ___________________.

A. This weekend we may go to cinema.

B. No, we’re not.

C. Oh, it’s none of your business.

D. Welcome to our party.



1. Women workers wear hats ______ their hair gets caught in the machinery.

A. if   B. in case   C. unless  D. because

2. ______ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday.

A. In spite of    B. But for    C. Because of    D. As for

3. I didn’t remember his name ______ after I had greeted him.

A. when     B. as      C. until       D. while

4. Economics, several courses of which I have taken thus far, ______ to be difficult but useful for almost all students.

A. prove            B. proves     

C. have been proved    D. are proved

5. A thousand miles no longer _____ much to us today, for modern jets can easily get us to a great distance within a matter of a few hours.

A. meant     B. means   C. mean   D. will mean

6. The instruments of the older factory___D___ .

A. is as good or better than the new one

B. are as good or better than the new one

C. is as good as or better than those of the new one

D. are as good as or better than those of the new one

7. The higher the standard of living, __D____ .

A. the greater is the amount of paper is used    

B. the greater amount of paper is used

C. the amount of paper is used is greater       

D. the greater the amount of paper is used

8. The two elements __C____ water is made are the oxygen and hydrogen.

A. that   B. which   C. of which   D. with which

9. A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, ___D___ was to be expected.

A. that      B. what       C. so      D. as

10. Is this museum __D____ you visited a few days ago? 

A. where    B. that   C. on which    D. the one

11. E-mail, as well as telephones, ____A____ an important part in daily communication.

A. is playing          B. have played       

C. are playing         D. play

12. Either John or his friends ____A____ to blame for the bad results.

A. are      B. is       C. was       D. has been

13. His father is _____C___ than his mother.

A. older four years       B. as four years older  

C. four years older       D. four years bigger

14. I think English is _____C___ than Japanese.

A. much important              B. important    

C. much more important         D. more much important

15. When spring comes, it gets ___C_____.

  A. warm and warm          B. warm and warmer

C. warmer and warmer       D. more and more warm



You have no social life other than work-related events.

Work is on your mind 24 hours, 7 days.

You feel stressed because of your work.

You get upset when others suggest you cut back on your work.

You do not take vacations, or take your work with you on vacation.


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